
Countdown to Timesmith – 50 days!

Now that the inconvenient nuisance of Christmas and New Year have been bashed about the head and put out of its misery we can look forward to the publication if Timesmith on March 6th!

It’s not long! 50 days! That’s all! I know some of you are too impatient to wait that long so I’ve devised this helpful list of things you can do between now and then to help make the time fly!

  1. Have a Star Trek Marathon! Get all the TV episodes (Original series, Next Generation, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise) plus all the movies and you have a solid 10 hours viewing per day for the next 50 days! The weeks will just fly by!
  2. Commit yourself to 50 days of silence and meditation as you ponder the wonders of the universe. Be sure to pack plenty of sweets.
  3. Buy a new copy of Sorrowline every day and give it to a friend/colleague/school mate/stranger/lover. You’ll be the most popular person I know!
  4. Camp outside your local bookstore and form an orderly queue until publication day! Get there early for the best spot!
  5. Prefer to get on with your usual routine? Then pre-order Timesmith now and sleep easy! You can pre-order from any local bookstore, big or small, or online from one of the links below:


WHSmith Shop icon

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Writer & Artist based in the North East of England.

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