
80 Days!

Sorrowline has been on its travels, to the Frankfurt Book Fair no less. Billed as the world’s largest book fair its the place to be for agents and publishers to sign new books. Its not really a place for authors, its all about the business! My literary agent, Juliet Mushens was there with Rachel Mills, Foreign Rights agent for PFD, and saw dozens of publishers from around the world. Sometimes deals are done there and then, but more normally its the start of a conversation that might eventually lead to an agreement. That’s how it is for Sorrowline right now. Juliet has had several interested publishers, and she’s in the middle of taking things further – hopefully that will mean some other foreign editions to add to the English, Brazilian and German versions. And the bookmarks went down a storm!!

There’s talk of a book launch event happening in Newcastle some time in the New Year! The whole idea of events is pretty daunting and exciting. I’ve done events in the past, spoken in schools and colleges, ran workshops, but this feels different. Its more personal I suppose. So the New Year is going to be a really weird learning curve.

The first draft of book two is entering the home stretch. Its been a different experience this time round, writing with the knowledge that this will be published, but I’ve tried to forget about that for now, at least until I’ve got it completed.

Finally, the Facebook page has passed 100 likes! Thank you if you’re one of them.


Writer & Artist based in the North East of England.

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