Dare to Page Jump!

I’ve never been an adrenaline junky.  I like the ground under my feet and the sky above me. Years ago, when I had the opportunity to do a bungee jump I considered it for about three seconds, then decided it wasn’t for me. The thought of two weeks of anxiety in the run up to …

Getting Published – part 1

So, I promised I’d do some blog posts about how I got published. Well, ok, but this could take a while. I’ve always wanted to write a novel. I think everyone does. Its one of those things that, if we just had the time, if we could just focus, we could get that brilliant idea …

The Possibility of Impossible Dreams

When I’m not animating, or running a business, I like to write. Its a great way for me to unwind from the stresses of the day and let my brain explore other creative avenues. So far I’ve written a sitcom for radio, (which was commissioned by Radio 4, but didn’t quite get as far as …